A micro minimal desktop with bspwm

Posted on:June 2, 2021 at 06:24 PM

Okay, i get it. Appearances can be deceiving and as deceptive may be the title. Let me clarify, bspwm is a minimal window manager. I use a lot of message passing to acheive what i have here, which corresponds to microarchitectures (in kernels at the very least). So, a micro minimal desktop :P

Desktop Configuration

  • Operating System: Arch Linux (This is the best linux distro, for i have tried many; for another time though :)
  • Window Manager: bspwm
  • Text Editor: Usually GNU Emacs, Sometimes Neovim
  • Hotkey Daemon: sxhkd
  • Panel: dunst
  • System Tray: trayer
  • Terminal: st