
An algorithm is any well defined computational procedure that takes some value or a set of values, as input and produces some value, or set of values as output (Rayward-Smith et al. 1991)

Divide and Conquer {#c6bc515c-88e7-4204-9f16-ba82a6aeb937}

Greedy Algorithm {#33f86831-cc50-4dfa-ac01-2d4328c7b61d}

Examples {#examples}

Huffman Coding {#31997ebb-35cd-4d31-ba9b-18ed86fedbe7}

Dynamic Programming {#1e240aa4-f28d-4cab-a135-d8185e459ab3}

Backtracking {#78a94f0b-8202-45d5-b1ec-b71277921b18}

Branch and Bound {#86e5473d-e5fd-4383-be58-f6cd2a451871}

Optimization Algorithms {#99ecb9b1-996c-47d0-a6fa-ae7a41cf57c1}

Exhaustive Search {#f9746940-1d30-4f3a-94c6-7c3743b6c95d}

Brute Force Algorithm {#brute-force-algorithm}

Branch And Bound {#branch-and-bound}

Constructive Heuristics {#constructive-heuristics}

First Fit {#first-fit}

First Fit Decreasing {#first-fit-decreasing}

Weakest Fit {#weakest-fit}

Weakest Fit Decreasing {#weakest-fit-decreasing}

Strongest Fit {#strongest-fit}

Strongest Fit Decreasing {#strongest-fit-decreasing}

Cheapest Insertion {#cheapest-insertion}

Regret Insertion {#regret-insertion}

Greedy {#greedy}

Evolutionary Algorithms {#2e9d882d-b36a-4e7a-969f-263baaef1d3e}

Examples {#examples}

Genetic Algorithm {#2ba2400a-89c1-499a-ac77-7962b2b64b9f}

Bibliography {#bibliography}

Rayward-Smith, V. J., Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, and Ronald L. Rivest. 1991. “Introduction to Algorithms.” The Journal of the Operational Research Society 42 (9). JSTOR:816.